Current Conditions
Updated 1/5/24  00:26
(observations automatically refresh every 5 minutes)


48 °

High: 49 °
At 00:02
Low: 48 °
At 00:22
(Temperature Spectrum gif)
Wind: S  at 0 MPH
Gust: 0  MPH
Today's High Wind: 0  MPH  00:01
Humidity: 0 %
Dew Point: 0 °
Pressure: 30.03  in. Steady
Pressure Change:  in./hr.
Temprature Rate: -0.56 °/hr.
Wind Chill: N/A °
Heat Index: N/A °
Comfort Level: Cool
Rainfall Totals
Hourly Rain: 0.00  in. Rain Today: 0.00  in.
Rain this Month: 0.00  in. Rain this Year: 0.00  in.
Sunrise: 07:32 Moonrise: 01:43
Sunset: 17:38 Moonset: 12:58
Moon Phase 39%  
Skywarn Spotter Information 
Not Available
Short Term Forecast for Bentwater
Bentwater Radar
Bentwater Lightning Detection
---------- Web Page Notices ----------
I am working on the warnings.
Please click here for current watches and warnings in effect.